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Dictionaries in TON

Smart contracts can make use of dictionaries - ordered key-value mappings. They are represented by trees of cells internally.


Working with potentially large trees of cells creates a couple of considerations:

  1. Every update operation builds a notable amount of cells (and each built cell costs 500 gas, as may be found on TVM Instructions page), meaning that those operations may run out of gas if used without care.
    • In particular, Wallet bot has run into such a problem once, when using highload-v2 wallet. The unbounded loop combined with expensive dictionary updates on each iteration led to gas running out and eventually to repeated transactions like fd78228f352f582a544ab7ad7eb716610668b23b88dae48e4f4dbd4404b5d7f6 draining its balance.
  2. The binary tree for N key-value pairs contains N-1 forks, and thus at least 2N-1 cells in total. Smart contract storage is limited to 65536 unique cells, so maximum number of entries in dictionary is 32768 or slightly more if there are repeated cells.

Dictionary kinds


Evidently, the most known and used kind of dictionaries in TON is hashmap. It has a whole section worth of TVM opcodes (TVM Instructions - Dictionary Manipulation) and is commonly used in smart contracts.

Those dictionaries are mappings of same-length keys (said length is provided as argument to all functions) to value slices. Contrary to "hash" in name, entries there are ordered and offer cheap extraction of element by key, previous or next key-value pair. Values are placed in the same cell as internal node tags and possibly key parts, so they can't use all 1023 bits; ~udict_set_ref is commonly used in such a situation.

Empty hashmap is represented as null by TVM; thus, it is not a cell. To store dictionary in a cell, one first saves one bit (0 for empty, 1 otherwise), and then adds reference if hashmap is not empty. Thus, store_maybe_ref and store_dict are interchangeable, and some smart contract authors use load_dict to load a Maybe ^Cell from incoming message or storage.

Possible operations for hashmaps:

  • load from slice, store to builder
  • get/set/delete value by key
  • replace value (set new value if key was already present) / add one (if key was not present)
  • move to next/previous key-value pair, in order of keys (this can be used to iterate over dictionaries if gas limit is not a concern)
  • retrieve minimal/maximal key with its value
  • get function (continuation) by key and immediately execute it

In order for contract not to break of gas limit exceeding, only a limited number of dictionary updates should take place while processing one transaction. If contract's balance is used to maintain the map according to developer's conditions, the contract can send itself a message to continue cleanup.

к сведению

There are instructions for retrieving a subdictionary: subset of entries within a given key range. Those have not been tested, so you can check them out only in TVM assembly form: SUBDICTGET and similar.

Hashmap examples

Let's see what hashmaps look like, looking specifically at mapping of 257-bit integer keys to empty value slices (such a map would only indicate presence or absence of element).

A way to check that quickly is to run following script in Python (possibly replacing pytoniq with other SDK as appropriate):

import pytoniq
k = pytoniq.HashMap(257)
em = pytoniq.begin_cell().to_slice()
k.set(5, em)
k.set(7, em)
k.set(5 - 2**256, em)
k.set(6 - 2**256, em)

The structure is binary tree, even a balanced one if we overlook the root cell.

1[80] -> {
2[00] -> {
265[9FC00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080] -> {

There are more examples on hashmap parsing in documentation.

Augmented maps (with additional data in each node)

Those maps are used internally by TON validators in order to calculate total balance of all contracts in a shard (using maps with total subtree balance with each node allows them to validate updates very quickly). There are no TVM primitives for working with these.

Prefix dictionary

к сведению

Testing reveals that insufficient documentation is there to create prefix dictionaries. You shouldn't use them in production contracts unless you have the full knowledge how the relevant opcodes, PFXDICTSET and similar, work.